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Call for tender

Application deadline
Tuesday, 1 October 2024 – 23:59 CET

Proposals should be sent to [email protected]

27.5 K Euros including VAT


BirdLife Europe & Central Asia is seeking a design agency to create visuals and a variety of products, including a catalogue and a dynamic webpage, for our Recovering Nature in the East programme (RENATE).

As part of the programme, our national BirdLife Partners are planning large-scale landscape restoration projects across Europe and Central Asia. We want the selected design agency to effectively “translate” BirdLife’s written restoration visions into visually appealing materials showcasing what the sites can look like in 2050. These will help demonstrate the restoration efforts of BirdLife and highlight the benefits of nature protection and restoration to a broad audience.

Main tasks and deliverables

1. Produce accurate and visually compelling restoration visuals for nine sites

  • We will provide written materials detailing the restoration activities and desired outcomes, along with current site photographs.
  • Ensure the visuals are adaptable for different formats, including the print catalogue, webpage, and social media materials.

2. Design nine maps

  • Develop one larger map of the region showcasing the restoration areas and habitat types.
  • Create a simple map for each of the nine sites indicating the restoration area, eventually depicting intervention activities.
  • Ensure these maps are adaptable for use in the catalogue, webpage, and social media materials.

3. Layout a catalogue of approximately 20 pages

  • Design a catalogue that includes:
    • An introduction to BirdLife’s restoration approach.
    • Nine two-page spreads for each restoration site, combining text with visual representations, pictures, and maps (see point 1. and 2.)
    • Eventually, 2-3 additional graphics
    • Ensure the catalogue adheres to BirdLife’s branding guidelines.
  • Provide the two-page spreads as separate documents for individual use and in two languages (English and national language per site, we will provide you with the translated text).

4. Develop a webpage

  • Create a scrollable webpage which will be added to featuring:
    • An interactive map showcasing the restoration nine sites.
    • Short texts and visual restoration visions for each site.
    • The webpage, including the interactive map, should be expandable for possible future additional restoration projects.
  • The successful candidate will be responsible for maintaining the digital product that they produce. This will include ensuring the complete tech stack and hosting environment are secure and utilising up to date versions. The successful candidate will need to be able to sign a contract for the ongoing maintenance of the digital product for its entire life cycle.

5. Create Social Media Assets for the nine sites

  • Design social media assets for each site in both horizontal and square formats and in two languages per site (English and national language, we can provide you with the translation).
  • Ensure the assets effectively communicate the restoration efforts and are optimized for engagement across various social media platforms.

Budget and tendering

The total available budget should not exceed 27.5 K Euros including VAT. The procedure to select an agency will be done via competitive tendering. Proposals must include the following:

  • Examples of comparable past assignments.
  • A pitch of your initial idea on how you would visualize the restoration sites
  • An estimate of time needed for developing the different products
  • A detailed timeline and cost overview

Selection Criteria

We will choose the tenderer based on:

  • Style and creativity of the tenderer.
  • Experience with similar assignments.
  • Understanding of assignment.
  • Estimated total cost and an overview of separate costs for the different materials (visuals, catalogue, and webpage) and timeline.


We expect the agency to start working mid-October.

Static restoration visuals, maps, and catalogue should be completed by the end of 2024.

Other deliverables (webpage and social media assets) should be completed in the first quarter of 2025.


Proposals should be sent to [email protected] by October 1st, 23.59 CET. For any inquiries and more information about the project, please contact [email protected]

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