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5 reasons you should care about Biodiversity COP16

It’s the moment you have all been waiting for. Get ready as the attention of the world turns to Colombia for the 16th meeting of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, otherwise known as CBD COP16!   But why does this meeting – one with a seemingly endless string of acronyms – matter in the race to save nature? Here are five reasons why we care about COP16 and think you should too.

Nature deserves the limelight! We must seize the opportunity of nature being front and centre of attention to flag how important it is for our survival: nature is an integral part of the climate solution as well as providing food, clean air and water. Nature’s role in our lives also goes beyond survival, who wants to live on a planet that isn’t brimming with weird and wonderful wildlife?

Nature is our sanctuary, where we go to restore ourselves and find peace. CBD COP16 is not just another opportunity to sound alarm bells about the state of nature, but to showcase these wider benefits for our society too.

During these conferences, governments report back on what they have done versus the commitments they have made. Can you think of another single opportunity where the eyes of the world’s media, the Ministers of Environment gather, civil society collaborates, and world leaders talk about the importance of the natural world? Neither can we!

That’s why COPs are important opportunities to both hold governments accountable and to understand how we as civil society and the wider conservation community can better support governments going forward to achieve bigger, faster and better action for nature. 

CBD COP16 gives countries and all of nature’s stakeholders the opportunity to come together to find common ground and solutions to save nature. As a result of this collaboration, we have global goals to protect nature and supporting frameworks agreed by over 196 countries!

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By bringing together people from all backgrounds and sectors, CBD COP16 is a hub that can drive innovation and tangible action for nature that benefits all of us. Despite our differences, we need to work towards a better future across all parts of society.

 Indigenous Peoples play a crucial role in stewarding biodiversity in their lands and seas proving that humans do have the capability to live in harmony with nature. The Convention on Biological Diversity not only recognises but enshrines their rights as vital to global conservation efforts.

As we look ahead to CBD COP16, it is imperative to elevate the rights, voices, and leadership of Indigenous Peoples and local communities. This is not just a matter of justice – it is central to safeguarding the planet’s biodiversity. COP16 is a critical opportunity to strengthen accountability and ensure direct financing and support to empower Indigenous Peoples and other rights holders.

There is hope and we need to spread this message both at the negotiation tables and beyond. Despite the obstacles in our way, we know that conservation works and we can prove it: science demonstrates that we absolutely CAN save and restore our natural world. With the right resources, supporting systems and collaboration across sectors – as well as the necessary courage – it is possible to change the way our world works for the better.  

At CBD COP16 governments and stakeholders will hopefully reach agreements across these key issues. But a successful outcome at this global meeting and beyond is also dependent on the rest of us coming together and uniting our actions and voices for nature across the world – giving courage to those with the power to take challenging decisions for our collective future.  

Send aMessage of Hope

Let’s demonstrate to decision-makers at COP16 that we are united to save nature!