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Briefing: Smart Implementation of the European Green Deal

In our joint briefing paper called Smart Implementation of the European Green Deal, we highlight the critical need for effective enforcement of environmental, health, and social regulations.

In our joint briefing paper called Smart Implementation of the European Green Deal, we highlight the critical need for effective implementation of environmental, health, and social regulations. These regulations are essential not only for protecting people and the planet, but also for maintaining a strong European Single Market. By preventing fragmented national laws, they ensure a level playing field and provide businesses with the investment certainty required to succeed.

The European Green Deal has introduced important new legislation to tackle climate and environmental crises, but laws can only reach their full potential if properly implemented. Fully enforcing existing EU environmental regulations could save the EU economy an estimated €55 billion annually in health and environmental costs. Unfortunately, EU countries have struggled with implementation, with 20% of infringement cases related to environmental policy.

We advocate for the creation of a “Smart Implementation Programme” that harnesses digital tools, encourages active stakeholder engagement, and provides clear guidance and incentives. This would ensure that EU climate and environmental laws deliver their promised benefits while avoiding deregulation that could undermine decades of progress.

European Robin by Yves Adams/ Vilda

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